Labour’s manifesto opens door for a fairer future for football

“The current state of football is deeply concerning, and meaningful change is urgently needed. The previous Bill falling through was disappointing, but we now have a chance to correct its flaws and implement robust solutions.”

Niall Couper, CEO, Fair Game

THURSDAY 13 JUNE 2024, LONDON, UK - FAIR GAME today welcomed the Labour Party's pledge to establish an independent regulator for football as part of their election manifesto.

Responding to the document, Fair Game CEO, Niall Couper, said:

"We are pleased the Labour Party has committed to establish an independent regulator for football as part of their election manifesto. The current state of football is deeply concerning, and meaningful change is urgently needed. While the previous Bill's falling through was disappointing, we now have a chance to correct its flaws and implement robust solutions.

“So it is particularly pleasing to see a commitment to ensuring financial sustainability of football clubs.

"We are eager to work with the next Government to prioritise the future of football and ensure that a comprehensive new Bill is introduced in the first session — one which establishes a fairer financial flow in the game, guarantees the regulator's independence, and rewards well-managed clubs.”

A commitment to revive the Football Governance Bill was also included in the Conservative Party manifesto and the Liberal Democrat manifesto. The Conservative commitment was light on detail. The Liberal Democrats, meanwhile, spelt out plans to reward well-run clubs and deliver financial sustainability across the football pyramid - an announcement that Fair Game welcomed.


Fair Game urge Labour to deliver a fairer future for future


Fair Game call to politicians: “Don’t let football’s future crumble”