It is now or never time:
Politicians must commit to revamped Football Bill…

THERE is no doubt that football is broken. It is a shame that the Bill has fallen, but this now represents an opportunity to address the serious flaws that were in it.

We need a Bill that will tackle the growing financial inequality in the game, that ensures the regulator is truly independent, and rewards well run clubs.

It is now up to the next Government to pick up the mantle and deliverer a fairer future for football.

For the sake of fans and clubs up and down the country we need all parties to make a firm commitment that a new Bill is brought forward in the first session of the next government.

The more parliamentary candidates that publicly support this move, the more likely a new Bill will be put forward. This responsibility lies firmly with our politicians to make this happen and ensure financial fairness and stability for ALL clubs across the English pyramid.

Below is a step by step guide on how to reach out to your parliamentary candidates…

Step One:
Find your seat

Firstly find your constituency. Simply put your postcode into this website and the full details of the seat where you can vote in will appear

Step Two:
Find your candidates

The list of candidates in your seat can be found here. By clicking on the pictures you will find their email addresses and X (Twitter) handles

Step Two:
Draft a response

Fair Game have created a template for you to use. Cut and paste it from here. Do add in your own thoughts as well and then add in your own address

Step Four:
Contact them

Once you have drafted your response, send it to all the candidates and please cc Fair Game. On X (Twitter) use @fairgameuk